Leonard Ravenhill was one of the great preachers in modern time. Doubtless, he has been an influence to many, and will continue to be for years to come. As a matter of fact, Ravenhill is indirectly why Jawbone Digital got started. In 2011, a list of recommended reading from the great preacher was made known to Ryan (founder and head guy around here), and he set out to find some of these books for personal consumption. However, he was disappointed when most of them were not available for him to read on his Kindle. He purposed to rectify this, and Jawbone Digital was born. The first book we ever published was “The Atonement” by Albert Barnes. From there, Jawbone has expanded to what it is today, but we still love the list put out by Ravenhill years ago. This page contains that list in its entirety. Many of these books are in the public domain, but others are not.
The “They Knew Their God” series holds a special place in our collective heart. These books are still under copyright, but we successfully reached out to the publisher and helped them get these classics into eBook formats. Below is the most complete list of Ravenhill’s recommendations that we can find, with many links posted already, and many more to come.
The Atonement, by Albert Barnes
Azusa Street, by Frank Bartleman
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
Beyond Humiliation: Way of the Cross, by Gregory Mantle
Amazon – B&N
Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians, by James G. Lawson
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
Possibilities of Grace, by Asbury Lowrey
Heart Talks on Holiness, by Samuel Logan Brengle
Amazon – B&N
Helps to Holiness, by Samuel Logan Brengle
Amazon – B&N
(Worth your consideration: The Collected Works of S. L. Brengle)
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
Hidden Life of Prayer, by David MacIntyre
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
Historical Collections of Accounts of Revival, by John Gillies
Coming soon…
Milestone Papers, by Daniel Steele
(Worth your consideration: The Collected Works of Daniel Steele)
The Path of Prayer, by Samuel Chadwick
Amazon – PRINT edition — B&N – Kobo
The Way to Pentecost, by Samuel Chadwick
Amazon – PRINT edition — B&N – Kobo
(Worth your consideration: The Collected Works of Samuel Chadwick)
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
The Soul of Prayer, by P. T. Forsyth
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
Collected Works of E. M. Bounds
Amazon – B&N – Kobo
They Knew Their God (6 volumes), by E. & L. Harvey
Available on Amazon
Vol. 1 – Vol. 2 – Vol. 3 – Vol. 4 – Vol. 5 – Vol. 6
Also available in a single volume for an incredible price!
More from the list (with links to follow later, as available)
The following are not sold by Jawbone Digital.
Christian in Complete Armour, by William Gurnall
Bible Characters From the Bible, by Alexander Whyte
Autobiography of Richard Baxter
The Reformed Pastor, by Richard Baxter
Explore the Book (6 volumes in 1), by J.S. Baxter
(The eBook is very costly, so it may be worth considering this in print.)
Amazon — PRINT edition
Better Things From Above, by Gregory Mantle
Broken Bread, by John Follette
Counterfeit Christ & Other Sermons, by Gregory Mantle
Fair Sunshine, by Jock Purves
In the Footprints of the Lamb, by G. Steinberger
Into His Presence (formerly titled: Practical Prayer Portions), by Misc. Authors
Invasion of Wales by the Spirit Through Evan Roberts, by James A. Stewart
Knowing God, by James I. Packer
Knowledge of the Holy, by A. W. Tozer
Life of God in the Soul of Man, by Henry Scougal
Looking Unto Jesus, by Isaac Ambrose
Martyrs Mirror, by T. S. van Braght
Mighty Prevailing Prayer, by Wesley Duewel
New Testament Holiness, by Thomas Cook
Protestant Saints, by Ernest Gordon
Refiner’s Fire, by Leonard Ravenhill (2 volumes)
Samuel Morris, by Lindley Baldwin
The Stundists
“Take Your Glory, Lord,” by William Duma
Works of Edward Payson (3 volumes)
Worldly Saints: Puritans As They Really Were, by Leland Ryken
The Holiest of All, by Andrew Murray
Life of David Brainerd, by Jonathan Edwards
You missed Saint Paul by F. W. H. Myers and The People’s Bible sermon set by Joseph Parker.
I’ve never seen those on the recommended lists. If memory serves me right, Myers doesn’t surprise me.
All of the books that Brother Len recommended are available from Rare Christian Books who also publishes some of them.
Yes, they do. However, not in a digital format, and not for $0.99 each. But here is a link to them. They do have a lot of great content in print formats.
SAINT PAUL [1867 Reprint] by F. W. H. Myers is available from RareChristianBooks.com
brother Ravenhill recomended the book ! WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD ! Could not make out the Author-help
Some of these older books are quite difficult reads.